clipart borders

Free Christian Clipart Borders

Get free Christian clipart borders for your web site.
clipart borders

Free Christian Clip Art Borders for your web site

Images may be larger than they appear.

Click on the image to see it as a background and for instructions to download the image for use on your web site.

Cross Border / White Background

Cross Border / Black Background

Chi Rho Border / White Background

Chi Rho Border / Black Background

Ichthus Border / White Background

Ichthus Border / Black Background

Three Crosses Border / White Background

Celtic Cross Border / White Background

All clipart borders and backgrounds are provided by and are free for individuals to use on personal web sites. While all borders are free for personal use, they are copyrighted images of Claire A Schaeffer and may not be included in other collections, offered as downloads, or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of Claire A Schaeffer and

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